- akiam
- alixediLondon, UK
- alsomanya@codeforamerica
- andrewluetgers
- antonytrupeVirginia, USA
- barnettTrolley
- borisjoffe@BISCtech
- breytenOpen State Foundation
- brianfryerAustin, TX
- chourobinInstagram
- ChrisAntaki
- debbenDetroit MI
- dhfromkoreadhfromkorea
- dtpetersFreelance
- emma-sgWebrecorder
- eugenehp@reactive-lions-inc
- harish-gargSurveyLoom
- ImreSamuBudapest, Hungary
- jmcarp
- kcnickersoniBinary LLC
- kylperPhiladelphia, PA
- lajpatshahJustClip - All purpose digital book
- louy2
- lucaswerkmeister@wmde
- mikalehmannGermany
- morenoh149Hayden5
- namwenSpotter
- nicobackTransplantNet (.org)
- rasmi@google-org
- shaaaaawnMetaverse
- spacecowb0y@tzConnectBerlin
- stephen-puiszisUniversity of Chicago, Booth School of Business
- thecosasCamino, CA
- vmarquet@pennylane-hq
- willoffireBentonville, AR
- zmanianIqlusioninc