
SOAPor is a java SOAP client.

Primary LanguageJava


SOAPor is a java SOAP client.

Build Status

  • Build a payload based on template and a map
  • Send the payload to a web service and get response
  • Extract the response result by XPath

The mvn dependency:




Basic usage:
import com.github.sinall.soapor.*;
// ...
SOAPParameters params = new SOAPParameters();
params.put("param1", "123");
SOAPRequest request = SOAPRequest.getInstance("com/github/sinall/soapor/payload/example.xml", params);
log.info("Request soap message to {}:\n{}", endpoint, request);

SOAPClient client = new SOAPClient(endpoint);
SOAPResponse response = client.send(request);
log.info("Response soap message:\n{}", response);
SOAPMessage soapMessage = SOAPMessageFactory.create("com/github/sinall/soapor/payload/example.xml");
assertThat(soapMessage, hasValueInXPath("/Envelope/Body/doubleAnInteger/param1", "123"));