
Python bindings to GenDisCal and addition of phylogenetic tree function

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python bindings to GenDisCal and addition of phylogenetic tree function


This package was created using Python 3.9.

pip install git+https://github.com/MrTomRod/gendiscalpy

This will add two scripts to your PATH:

  • install_gendiscal
  • gendiscal_tree

Usage in terminal


This script downloads the GenDisCal binary and unpacks it to a path of your choosing.

$ install_gendiscal 
  1: /home/user/PycharmProjects/venvs/gendiscalpy10/bin
  2: /home/user/miniconda3/condabin
  3: /home/user/bin
  4: /usr/bin
  5: /usr/sbin
Please select a path to install GenDisCal to!
You chose: /home/user/PycharmProjects/venvs/gendiscalpy10/bin
Installed GenDiscal here: /home/user/PycharmProjects/venvs/gendiscalpy10/bin/GenDisCal

Now, you should be able to run GenDisCal in your terminal. Test with GenDisCal --version.


Create a phylogenetic tree based on GenDisCal a distance matrix. Returns Newick format.

This script uses the upmga algorithm of the biotite package. See wikipedia and biotite docs.

Requires GenDisCal to be in PATH, see also install_gendiscal.


gendiscal_tree from_files assembly1.fna assembly2.fna
gendiscal_tree from_files assemblies/*.fna
gendiscal_tree from_files assemblies/*.fna --preset PaSiT6 --method euclidian

Usage as Python class

from gendiscalpy import GenDisCal, GenDisCalTree
from gendiscalpy.install_gendiscal import install

# install GenDisCal to /home/user/bin/GenDisCal

gdc = GenDisCal()  # bin='/home/user/bin/GenDisCal'

# these commands return pandas.DataFrame objects
table1 = gdc.run('test-data/*.fna')
table2 = gdc.run('test-data/*.fna', preset='PaSiT6', method='euclidian')
distance_matrix = gdc.run('test-data/*.fna', distance_matrix=True)
histogram = gdc.run('test-data/*.fna', histogram=True)

# this command returns a float
val = gdc.compare_two(assembly_1='test-data/FAM3257-i1-1.fna', assembly_2='test-data/FAM13496-i1-1.fna')

# this command returns a string in Newick format
newick = GenDisCalTree.from_files('test-data/*.fna')