
My GitHub page Repository

Primary LanguageCSS

Stage One

Task: Front-end page creation with specific elements

Objective: To develop and host a web page using HTML, CSS and JS that showcases specific personal and real-time data attributes. Each required element should have a specified data-testid attribute for easy identification and testing.


Slack Name:

Display your Slack name prominently. Attribute: data-testid="slackUserName"

Slack Display Picture:

Showcase your Slack profile picture. The image's alt attribute should be your Slack username. Attribute: data-testid="slackDisplayImage"

Current Day of the Week:

Indicate the current day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday). Attribute: data-testid="currentDayOfTheWeek"

Current UTC Time:

Display the current UTC time in milliseconds. Attribute: data-testid="currentUTCTime"


Mention your track (e.g., Frontend). Attribute: *data-testid="myTrack"

GitHub URL:

Provide a clickable link to your GitHub repository where the source code for this task resides. Attribute: *data-testid="githubURL"

Submission Mode:*


Host the page on a platform of your choice (e.g., Vercel, GitHub Pages, Netlify).


Ensure all requirements and acceptance criteria are met.

Submission Information:

Provide your Slack display name, email, and the hosted page's URL in the designated submission form.


Before submitting, thoroughly review your work to ensure accuracy, functionality, and adherence to the specified guidelines. Submission Deadline:

The deadline for submissions is September 12, 2023, at 11:59 PM WAT. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Submission Link: