
A caching solution for asyncio

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


info:A caching solution for asyncio
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pip install async-cache

Basic Usage

# LRU Cache
from cache import AsyncLRU

async def func(*args, **kwargs):
    maxsize : max number of results that are cached.
              if  max limit  is reached the oldest result  is deleted.

# TTL Cache
from cache import AsyncTTL

@AsyncTTL(time_to_live=60, maxsize=1024)
async def func(*args, **kwargs):
    time_to_live : max time for which a cached result  is valid
    maxsize : max number of results that are cached.
              if  max limit  is reached the oldest result  is deleted.

# Supports primitive as well as non-primitive function parameter.
# Currently TTL & LRU cache is supported.

Advanced Usage

class CustomDataClass:
    id: int
    value: int

from cache import AsyncLRU

async def func(model: "CustomDataClass"):
    # function logic

# async-cache will work even if function parameters are:
#   1. orm objects
#   2. request object
#   3. any other custom object type.