
🛠️ This repository is my own starterkit for kirby projects with sveltekit

Primary LanguageJavaScript

⚠️ Work in progress - use at your own risk

Kirby & Sveltekit setup

This repo is my own starterkit for Kirby 3 projects with SvelteKit. Featuring Kirby CMS and Kirby Headless.



  1. In Terminal, go to your production folder:
cd path/to/my/folder
  1. Clone this repository with the submodules
git clone https://github.com/sinanatra/kirby-sveltekit NAME-OF-MY-FOLDER
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/sinanatra/kirby-headless.git admin/
rm -rf ./admin/.git
  1. Install and run Kirby
  • cd admin
  • composer install
  • composer update
  • composer start
  • Create an API user at {url}/panel.
  1. Separately install dependencies with yarn
cd ../
  1. Run and build the development environment.
yarn dev
yarn build

Folder structure and important files

├─── admin
│    ├── content
│    ├── kirby
│    ├── media
│    ├── site
│    │   ├── blueprints
│    │   │   └── users
│    │   │       ├── api.yml
│    │   │       └── default.yml
│    │   ├── config
│    │   │   └── config.php
│    │   └── plugins
│    │       └── kql
│    └── vendor
├── src
│    ├── components
│    └── routes
│        ├── +layout.svelte
│        ├── +page.svelte
│        ├── +page.js
│        └── api
│            └── query
│                └── +server.js
├── static
├── package.json
└── svelte.config.js