
Django cv-builder

Primary LanguagePython



Setup Guide, step by step:

Create a Python Virtual Environment

python3.10 -m venv venv

Install the Packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create your database

Open your postgresql shell with psql command

Create Database

CREATE DATABASE <database_name>;

Create User

CREATE USER <username>;

Grant all privileges to cv-builder database user

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <database_name> TO <username>;

Create a Password for your cv-builder database user

ALTER USER user_name WITH PASSWORD '<password>';

Create a .env file in root directory and add your created config:

SECRET_KEY='Your Secret Key generated by https://djecrety.ir'
DEBUG= 'Status of debug of the proejct'

DB_NAME= '<user_name>'
DB_USER= '<password>'
DB_PASSWORD= '<database_name>'

Migrate tables to the database

python manage.py migrate