
Import all test results to your testrail panel.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Import all test results to your testrail panel.


pip install -r requirements.txt


You must add a tag named CID to your test scenarios.

*** Test Cases ***
Example Scenario
    [Tags]  CID=100
    log to console    Hello

CID=100 represents the case id of the scenario that you have created in Testrail.

python robot_testrail.py --project_id testrail_project_id --user testrail_email --pwd testrail_password --url testrail_url --include_all False --report_file output.xml  


You can also import your reports using docker container.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/output:/app/output sinanerdinc/robotframeworktestrail --project_id PROJECTID --user YOUREMAIL --pwd PASSWORD --url TESTRAILURL --include_all True --report_file output/output.xml

Don't forget to change your output directory name in the command.


Name Default Type Required Description
project_id int True Testrail project id.
user str True Testrail user.
pwd str True Testrail password.
url str True Testrail url
run_name "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" str False Testrail run name.
include_all True boolean False This setting determines whether the test run to be created should include all of your scenarios or only the tagged scenarios.
report_file str True Path of your output.xml file.