
Development wrapper for fost-base. Only of interest to fost-base developers.

Primary LanguageShell

See the folder fost-base for all projects files, licenses etc.

THIS IS PROBABLY THE WRONG CHECK OUT unless you are developing fost-base itself.

If you want to use fost-base in your code you want to add https://github.com/KayEss/fost-base.git to your project.

Using the Docker build container

To use the builder environment to perform builds you can use a docker command like the following:

sudo docker run -v $(pwd):/src -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -it kayess/fost-builder fost-build fost-base/compile release

This will do a release build of the fost-base project files. They will end up in the dist-docker folder.

Building the Docker container

The container is aimed at producing a build environment for compiling the Fost libraries and packages.

To build you will need to have a host apt-cacher that points to an apt proxy.