
Another day another project !

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Backend App

Step by Step

  1. Clone repo and install dependencies
  2. Make sure you already install mysql and setting up the .env ( the format is like .env.default )
  3. Create database, name is up to you and don't forget to setting up in .env file in app.js if you run that in the first time you need to uncomment the sync func. ( sync is to make firstuser to signin, feel free to remake that )
  4. Also if you need to some data, you can uncommet seeder helper
  5. And you can check the endpoint and play around


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/auth/signin POST Update user by id email, password
/api/v1/auth/signup POST Get all auth fullname, email, username, address, role
  • please take note : signup and all of users endpoint can be perform by superadmin only


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/users/ PATCH Update user by id fullname, email, username, address, role
/api/v1/users/ GET Get all users
/api/v1/users/:id GET Get user by id
/api/v1/users/:id DELETE DELETE user by id


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/tenants/ POST Create tenant name, no_ktp, place_of_birth,phone_number, date_of_birth, address
/api/v1/tenants/ GET Get all tenants
/api/v1/tenants/:no_ktp PATCH Update tenant by no_ktp name, place_of_birth,phone_number, date_of_birth, address
/api/v1/tenants/:no_ktp GET Get tenant by no_ktp
/api/v1/tenants/:no_ktp DELETE DELETE tenant by no_ktp


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/merchants/ POST Create tenant tenant_id,merchant_no, merchant_status, floor_position, type_of_sale, type_of_merchant, merchant_space, price_per_meter, total_price
/api/v1/merchants/ GET Get all merchants
/api/v1/merchants/:merchant_no PATCH Update merchant by id tenant_id, merchant_status, floor_position,type_of_sale, type_of_merchant, merchant_space, price_per_meter, total_price
/api/v1/merchants/:merchant_no GET Get merchant by id
/api/v1/merchants/:merchant_no DELETE DELETE merchant by id
  • params-download-billing-as-csv: csv(true)
  • params-download-billing-as-xls: xls(true)
  • params-summary: summary(true)


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/billings/ POST Create tenant merchant_id, payment_term, due_date, nominal
/api/v1/billings/ GET Get all billings
/api/v1/billings/csv GET Download billing as csv
/api/v1/billings/ PATCH Update merchant by id merchant_id, payment_term, due_date, nominal
/api/v1/billings/:id GET Get merchant by id
/api/v1/billings/:id DELETE DELETE merchant by id
  • note: for download csv you must add query start_date and end_date
  • params-get-all-filter : start_date(date), end_date(date), type (incoming,due_date,estimation), outstanding(true), canceled(true)
  • params-get-all-sort : sort(asc, desc), sort_type(incoming,due_date)
  • params-get-all-billing-by-merchang-id: merchant_id(merchant_no)
  • params-download-billing-as-csv: csv(true)
  • params-download-billing-as-xls: xls(true)


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/images/ POST Create tenant merchant_id, id(number)
/api/v1/images/:id GET Get all images by Merchant Id


Endpoint HTTP Description Body
/api/v1/logs/merchant/:id GET Get all logs by Merchant Id
/api/v1/logs/tenant/:id GET Get all logs by Tenant Id
/api/v1/logs/billing/:id GET Get all logs by Billing Id