openFrameworks examples for the EDP Creative Coding class @ the University of Denver.
2016 Dan Wilcox <>
You can download this repository as a .zip file using the "Download ZIP" button.
If you have git set up, you can clone this repo using:
git clone
The resulting "CreativeCodingExamples" folder should be placed within the openFrameworks/apps
These examples do not come with the project files pre-generated. You will need to use the OF ProjectGenerator to create them for each example (you should only need to do this once).
To (re)generate project files for an existing project:
- click the "Import" button in the ProjectGenerator
- navigate the to base folder for the project ie. "Bounce"
- click the "Update" button
If everything went OK, you should now be able to open the generated project and build/run the example.
Animate: playback an animation by loading and displaying individual frames
AttractRepel: movers are either attracted to or repelled by the mouse
Blobs: blob tracking using OpenCV with persistent ids between frames
Bounce: bounce a circle (or rectangle) around the screen
Brightest: search for brightest pixel in camera frames
Draw: simple drawing program using the mouse and keyboard
DrawOSC: draw on each other's screen using OSC (Open Sound Control
Easing: move circles horizontally towards a target x position using an easing calculation
Follow: move a circle towards a target using easing movement calculations
GameState: game state control using classes and a current state pointer
Gravity: simulate gravity to bounce a circle using vector math for velocity and acceleration
Noise: movement animation using Perlin noise
OscEvents: send & receive mouse & keyboard events over OSC (Open Sound Control)
Particles: a small particle system using a class & pointers to avoid copying
Pixels: draw an image manually using it's pixel data
SinCos: movement animation using the sine & cosine functions
Typewriter: type into a string buffer using std::set to keep track of the keys being held down
Web: a small particle system visualization using a class & vector