
updated fho demo (full head oscillation)

Primary LanguageMATLAB

full head oscillation(fho) demo

  1. Make sure the data is in data/raw/ folder
  2. Set up parameters in data/raw/params.m
  3. Go to scripts_fho/scripts/ to run create_job_related_files.m
  4. No longer need to change run_fho.m to fit every project
  5. Transfer the project folder to the cluster using scp, in this case Rdoc_face_fho/ scp -r -p -i ~/.ssh/farnam_rsa /Users/wu/Desktop/RESEARCH/Rdoc_2020/Rdoc_face_fho jw646@farnam.hpc.yale.edu:/ysm-gpfs/home/jw646/project/fho/
  6. log in farnam
  7. make an 'out' folder within the project folder on the cluster, and cd to it
  8. open jobs/job_list_run_command.txt, copy and paste the commands on the command line of the 'out' folder