What is this?

A Clerk notebook to mock data for a ring clojure app and teach unit testing. This repository uses Uses Clerk to show up as notebook.

Where to see this stuff?


How to run this to contribute?

  1. Install dependencies with lein deps
  2. Run lein start-clerk <PORT> where PORT can be any port you want
  3. Hit Ctrl + S on a clojure file (save the file)
  4. Browse http://localhost:<PORT> to see the live notebook

How to get HTML?

Run lein make-docs and you should see html files generated under src/<name-of-dir>

How to view HTML?

You can open ./docs/index.html in any browser and browse as you normally would.

How to run this app for development?

  • lein ring server-headless <PORT> (gives hot reloading)
  • lein run <PORT> (gives a simple server)