
My attempt at tackling some of the most interesting coding challenges!

Primary LanguagePython


My attempt at tackling some of the most interesting coding challenges on leetcode!

Array Challenges

Problem Solution Level Tag
Duplicate Zeros Python Easy
Missing Number Python Easy
First Unique Character in a String Python Easy
Intersection of 2 arrays Python Easy Two Pointers
Squares of a sorted array Python Easy
Sort Colors Python Medium
Minimum Size Subarray Sum Python Medium
Product of Array Except self Python Medium
3 Sum Python Medium
3 Sum Closest Python Medium
Find first and last Python Medium
Subsets Python Medium
Interval list intersections Python Medium Two Pointers
Max consecutive ones 3 Python Medium Sliding Window
Continuous Subarray Sum Java Medium
Product of the Last K Numbers Java Medium
Subarray sum equals K Python Medium
3 Sum Smaller Python Medium
Find the Celebrity Python Medium
Summary Ranges Python Medium
Grumpy bookstore owner Python Medium Sliding Window
Maximum product subarray Python Medium
Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target Python Hard Sliding Window
First Missing Positive Python Hard
Sliding window maximum Python Hard Sliding Window

Binary Search

Problem Solution Level
First Bad Version Python Easy
Search in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium
Find Peak Element Python Medium
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Python Medium
Search Range Python Medium

Linked List Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Merge two sorted lists Python Medium
Copy list with random pointer Python Medium
Sort list Python Medium
Remove Nth Node Python Medium
Merge K sorted lists Python Hard

String Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Reorder log files Python Easy
Valid Parantheses Python Easy
Group Anagrams Python Medium
Compare Version Numbers Python Medium
Longest Palindromic Substring Python Medium
Generate Parantheses Python Medium
Decode Ways Python Medium
Minimum Time Difference Python Medium
Camelcase Matching Python Medium
Search suggestions Python Medium
Longest Valid Parentheses Python Hard

Stacks and Queues Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Min stack Python Easy

Tree Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Subtree of another tree Python Easy
Two Sum IV Python Easy
Diameter of a binary tree Python Easy
Kth Smallest Python Medium
Find Leaves of a binary tree Python Medium
Binary Tree Pruning Python Medium

Heap Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Kth largest element in a stream Python Easy
High Five Python Easy
Kth smallest Element Python Medium
Top K frequent elements Python Medium
Employee Free Time Python Hard

Graph Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Find the Town Judge Python Easy
Valid Tree Python Medium
Can visit all rooms Python Medium
Path with maximum minimum value Python Medium
Redundant Connections Python Medium
Number of Connected Components Python Medium
Course Schedule 2 Python Medium

Greedy challenges

Problem Solution Level
Last Stone Weight Python Easy
Lemonade Change Python Easy
Two City Scheduling Python Easy
Is Subsequence Python Easy
Shortest way Python Medium
Minimum arrows Python Medium
String without AAA or BBB Python Medium
Minimum Dominoes Python Medium
Minimum Cost to Connect Sticks Python Medium

Divide and Conquer Challenges

Problem Solution Level
Maximum Subarray sum Python Easy
Longest Common Prefix Python Easy


Problem Solution Level
Combination Sum Python Medium
Path with max gold Python Medium
Palindrome Partitioning Python Medium
Word Search Python Medium

Dynamic Programming

Problem Solution Level
Longest word in dictionary Python Easy
Longest Common Subsequence Python Medium
Minimum path sum Python Medium
Unique Paths Python Medium
Perfect Squares Python Medium
Number of Dice Rolls Python Medium
Target Sum Python Medium
Longest String Chain Python Medium
Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Python Medium
Integer Break Python Medium
Word Break Python Medium
Number of distinct islands Python Medium
Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Python Hard

Depth First Search

Problem Solution Level
Is Same Tree Python Easy
Validate BST Python Medium
Friend Circles Python Medium
Max Area of Island Python Medium
Path Sum II Python Medium
Unique Paths III Python Hard
Concatenated Words Python Hard
Longest Consecutive Sequence Python Hard

Breadth First Search

Problem Solution Level
01 Matrix Python Medium
Binary tree right side view Python Medium
Sliding Puzzle Python Hard