- 1
- 1
Question about caching, fetch vs alfy.fetch
#174 opened by kalaschnik - 6
Search for multiple object properties in `alfy.matches` and `alfy.inputMatches`
#175 opened by kalaschnik - 1
Alfy.fetch not working with https
#171 opened by ramirez - 1
Unable to install and use Alfred workflow locally
#170 opened by vidrepar - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
How to show a loading indicator?
#168 opened by goerwin - 1
Cannot use import statement outside a module
#164 opened by Nauxscript - 0
Package location different than workflow location
#162 opened by lucasrabiec - 3
- 2
Dependabot alerts on dependencies
#159 opened by apiology - 1
Usage with bun?
#158 opened by MartinMalinda - 1
Script filter with images?
#157 opened by MartinMalinda - 1
require("alfy") takes ~120ms
#120 opened by carstenschwede - 2
fetch with `json: false` is ignored?
#152 opened by adamkiss - 1
fetch method does not work correctly
#151 opened by tomsan96 - 3
Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ESM_URL_SCHEME]: Only file and data URLs are supported by the default ESM loader
#146 opened by leoGeorges - 4
Getting alfy-init: command not found
#130 opened by urre - 0
Type for "mods" requires all properties to be defined
#147 opened by rchl - 0
alfy.matches doesn't work with umlauts
#150 opened by davidmondok - 0
Running basic script takes 5s and throws error
#145 opened by kruchy8 - 0
Remove broken links in Users section
#143 opened by jopemachine - 3
ERR_INPUT_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED with example script
#141 opened by kbeerman - 1
run failed if index.js is esm module
#139 opened by JiangWeixian - 5
Add TypeScript definition
#127 opened by sindresorhus - 4
Alfy eats errors from Run Script action
#86 opened by ErikMinekus - 2
Is Typescript declaration provided for alfy?
#126 opened by Troublor - 8
Support Alfred 4
#110 opened by vivaxy - 0
- 1
Install it globally
#117 opened by Cocoader - 4
- 2
Allow top-level await
#59 opened by sindresorhus - 4
[ERROR: input.scriptfilter] JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set. in JSON:
#82 opened by LordZardeck - 0
Error: workflows directory does not exist
#80 opened by adriaanzon - 1
- 1
npm can not install
#93 opened by aswind7 - 0
GraphQL Support?
#90 opened by apertureless - 0
The search will be more quik without wifi
#87 opened by algking - 5
slow to exit
#70 opened by robjtede - 1
non-bundlable with webpack
#83 opened by robjtede - 3
- 2
Logging prevents results from appearing
#74 opened by alexlafroscia - 4
Issue Updating Alfy Workflow
#68 opened by vinkla - 4
How to copy output to clipboard?
#71 opened by jacc - 1
Question: how to package .workflow file?
#66 opened by moltar - 9
[ERROR: input.scriptfilter] JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
#64 opened by selrond - 2
- 1
Using `npm-registry-client` with alfy
#57 opened by artivilla