
How do I install a workflow into Alfred?

motleydev opened this issue · 5 comments

Sorry for the dumb question, but how do I then add a project into Alfred? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

It's right in the readme:

$ npm install --global alfred-workflow-name

Sorry, I gathered that - but I'm confused how to add local code to Alfred. For example, when I run, presumable npm run postinstall - shouldn't that add my doc locally? Tests just give pass fail, no ability to preview the out?

Something like this might be helpful: ln -s ~/code/alfred-x ~/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/alfred-x

@motleydev No it does not for a good reason. The postinstall hook changes your info.plist, you don't want that during development. Run ./node_modules/.bin/alfy-init directly which will trigger alfred-link. I agree that this should be mentioned in the docs or we should come up with a better process for this.

@SamVerschueren This is still relevant.

I'm creating a workflow for the first time, I've used generator-alfred but couldn't understand how to actually connect my code to a working workflow in Alfred for testing.

Running ./node_modules/.bin/alfy-init worked.
Running the same from a package.json script didn't work:
"init": "./node_modules/.bin/alfy-init",
What's the difference?

And the next step was to figure out a workflow of how to make code changes and test it in Alfred live, without running ./node_modules/.bin/alfy-cleanup and then ./node_modules/.bin/alfy-init every time (just now thinking about it).

I'd expect the Readme to cover this somehow.

Perhaps this is useful:

Overall I think Alfy is awesome :-D.