- 1
Video Games Category
#331 opened by gilStettler - 3
Screamers (1995)
#329 opened by johan-stenqvist - 1
- 3
Add "The Quantum Thief"?
#323 opened by heinrich-ulbricht - 2
#289 opened by ACVis - 1
Guidelines for Adding a Series
#248 opened by damenleeturks - 2
Add The Clockwork Trilogy by Greg Egan
#190 opened by RichardLitt - 5
Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold
#205 opened by uraimo - 1
Foundation - Asimov
#253 opened by vrysmart - 5
Question: Add a "short movies" section?
#202 opened by Potherca - 0
Add `An Oblique Approach`?
#113 opened by sindresorhus - 4
Use collapsible/spoiler section for details
#310 opened by grr - 6
ExForce and Omega Force Series
#309 opened by grr - 2
Add Strange Days to movies section
#302 opened by psywhale - 0
The Gods Cycle by Bernard Werber
#214 opened by RichardLitt - 1
Add Mr. Robot
#273 opened by iamzubin - 22
Reading Group
#215 opened by RichardLitt - 2
Add Black Science to the Comics Section
#259 opened by EricPonvelle - 5
The Link to Book 5 of Magic 2.0 is incorrect
#260 opened by EricPonvelle - 1
- 1
August Reading group?
#235 opened by Alex-Keyes - 2
May: Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
#225 opened by Alex-Keyes - 10
July: Borne by Jeff Vandermeer
#226 opened by RichardLitt - 3
Stargate 9000+ hours
#234 opened by matejferenc - 2
August: Choose a book
#232 opened by RichardLitt - 23
March: Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
#223 opened by RichardLitt - 6
Alphabetize Comic Books Section
#228 opened by thejessleigh - 13
February: Pattern Recognition by William Gibson
#222 opened by RichardLitt - 2
It's kind of weird for Permutation City and Schild's Ladder to be under "Soft Science Fiction".
#107 opened by sindresorhus - 4
Consider adding Open Your Eyes
#210 opened by uraimo - 5
Add the Expanse series by James S. A. Corey?
#110 opened by sindresorhus - 6
Add `Accelerando`
#142 opened by RichardLitt - 1
Remove Suggested Category
#188 opened by RichardLitt - 2
Adding categories to the TV Series section as well
#183 opened by inputsh - 5
Either rename the repo to awesome-fiction or delete things like 1984/Clockwork Orange/Brazil
#186 opened by vtdmhd - 1
Anyone seen the Martian yet?
#173 opened by RichardLitt - 3
Add `Dad's Nuke`?
#169 opened by cassidoo - 3
Adding Mr. Robot to the TV Series section?
#151 opened by inputsh - 1
Add `The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect`?
#112 opened by sindresorhus - 1
Add Orthogonal
#127 opened by RichardLitt - 2
Add 'Suggested Books' section
#145 opened by RichardLitt - 0
Add `The Three-Body Problem`
#144 opened by liyuankui - 1
Add `The Fifth Element`?
#106 opened by sindresorhus - 1
Add Dune TV Series
#125 opened by RichardLitt - 1
Add `Stories of Your Life and Others`?
#108 opened by sindresorhus - 12
- 2
Rename "Short Stories" to "Short Story Collections"?
#130 opened by mihailim - 5
Add `Altered Carbon`?
#109 opened by sindresorhus - 3
Add `Edge of Tomorrow`?
#105 opened by sindresorhus - 4
#111 opened by sindresorhus