- 8
"Command failed" on paste
#42 opened by timiles - 0
TypeError: File URL path must be absolute
#100 opened by hsubramanianaks - 4
- 2
Native .node addons for windows/linux
#98 opened by mishase - 0
Does not work in WSL
#97 opened by mdashlw - 2
not work iphone safari
#96 opened by easthyuck - 7
Couldn't find the `xsel` binary and fallback didn't work. On Debian/Ubuntu you can install xsel with: sudo apt install xsel
#63 opened by iuriigrynykha - 0
Paste images ?
#95 opened by MarcWeber - 2
Doesn't work with an image in the clipboard
#64 opened by Tymski - 4
Doesn't work with typescript
#86 opened by wimurk - 2
Browser support in http (non-secure context)
#94 opened by ForgottenR - 2
- 2
- 2
Both xsel and fallback failed
#91 opened by sankalpguptasymphony - 2
- 3
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module E:\~\node_modules\clipboardy\index.js not supported.
#83 opened by Harshita-mindfire - 3
- 3
Wayland support
#38 opened by rektide - 1
Powershell on Windows
#89 opened by Richienb - 1
- 3
Doesn't works when I launch my app to Heroku
#81 opened by Ajharul7 - 1
Having this error when run in Discord.JS Bot
#87 opened by kadistudio - 1
Cannot load module in JEST
#84 opened by Kle0s - 1
clipboardy do not support require ?
#82 opened by anming-john - 2
Loading with --experimental-modules
#80 opened by ianengelbrecht - 1
- 1
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'node:process' in 'node_modules/clipboardy'
#78 opened by kishorekumaru - 2
- 1
- 2
Doesn't work on Safari 12 - TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigator.clipboard.writeText')
#74 opened by ffxsam - 0
clipboard_x86_64.exe access denied
#73 opened by zhfnjust - 2
Add events
#71 opened - 1
Support for images/non text clipboard?
#70 opened by tezlm - 0
Error 1418 always on first try
#68 opened by theimo1221 - 1
clipboardy threw: Document is not focused
#67 opened by ajoslin103 - 0
Error on Ubuntu
#66 opened by Jack89ita - 4
Browser support?
#60 opened by Richienb - 3
Does not work when installed by npm on WSL
#53 opened by x11x - 4
Not working in raspberry pi3
#57 opened by mvtcode - 1
- 0
Where do the binaries come from?
#58 opened by Darker - 0
- 13
- 1
Error using clipboardy
#51 opened by AnakinPt - 2
Get image from system clipboard
#40 opened by LitoMore - 1
- 1
Watch mode
#45 opened by hediet - 1
Doesn't work with Terminator (Ubuntu)
#43 opened by 0xDaksh - 1
Support primary/secondary/clipboard on X (Linux)
#37 opened by rektide - 5
Issues with Ubuntu ... ?
#36 opened by goessner