- 0
No color showing up!
#25 opened by Jacobboogiebear - 1
Please add TypeScript definitions
#24 opened by Zamiell - 2
Logging an error is correct in the Electron devtools console, but an empty object {} in the terminal output
#22 opened by lacymorrow - 1
Separate main and renderer process logic
#16 opened by acheronfail - 3
- 2
Filter out Electron junk logging
#13 opened by sindresorhus - 1
Add support for timestamp
#21 opened by yafp - 4
Weird character on the log
#20 opened by MrAmericanMike - 3
- 4
Add ability to also log to disk
#7 opened by sindresorhus - 3
Opt-in way to hook `console` methods
#9 opened by sindresorhus - 9
Add `logLevel` option
#6 opened by sindresorhus - 1
- 0