- 1
- 5
Cannot find module 'get-stream' or its corresponding type declarations. -> Missing TS types?
#114 opened by sebastianrueckerai - 0
Use a separate entrypoint for browsers
#123 opened by ehmicky - 3
getStreamAsArrayBuffer from a ReadableStream fails on Chrome, but works on FF.
#116 opened by emctague - 3
Allow multiple readers at once
#119 opened by ehmicky - 4
Package is empty
#113 opened by Gradlon - 1
Fix bigendian build
#112 opened by bastien-roucaries - 5
- 4
v8 release notes
#102 opened by ehmicky - 0
This does not work with Gulp
#103 opened by ehmicky - 7
v7.0.0 change in behavior with large sizes
#52 opened by XhmikosR - 6
use readable-stream in the browser
#27 opened by hugomrdias - 3
- 3
Issues with the `encoding` option
#67 opened by ehmicky - 1
- 3
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
README missing from npm
#54 opened by titanism - 1
GitHub repo description still says "Get a stream as a string, buffer, or array"
#51 opened by TomerAberbach - 2
Expose `getBufferStream()`
#37 opened by ehmicky - 6
Use for-await
#21 opened by sindresorhus - 1
Typings not in the package
#45 opened by a2br - 2
- 5
- 0
- 1
- 2
v5 TypeScript typings incompatible with v4
#29 opened by grantila - 1
Make errors distinguishable
#25 opened by tjconcept - 1
use end-of-stream instead of end event?
#23 opened by yocontra - 1
Pre-compiled npm package
#22 opened by mshndev - 1
ES6 code cannot be minified by webpack
#20 opened by dvdsgl - 0
Bump node version.
#19 opened by wtgtybhertgeghgtwtg - 4
`inputStream.unpipe` is not a function
#17 opened by kevva - 4
resolve not firing when downloading big files
#16 opened by sheerun - 0
Add promise to keywords
#14 opened by darsain - 13
Add a `maxBuffer` option
#8 opened by jamestalmage - 1
Avoid using `setEncoding`
#10 opened by jamestalmage - 0
Support object-mode
#7 opened by sindresorhus - 0
Do not use the `readable` event
#5 opened by julien-f - 1
Why not concat-stream?
#1 opened by anandthakker