
[DEPRECATED] Lint and minify CSS and LESS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Deprecated since RECESS is no longer maintained

grunt-recess Build Status

Lint and minify CSS and LESS using RECESS

Issues with the output should be reported on the RECESS issue tracker.


$ npm install --save-dev grunt-recess



require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt); // npm install --save-dev load-grunt-tasks

	recess: {
		dist: {
			src: ['src/main.css']

grunt.registerTask('default', ['recess']);

Lint and compile

recess: {
	dist: {
		options: {
			compile: true
		files: {
			'dist/main.css': 'src/main.less'

A destination is only needed when compile: true. It won't output any warnings in this mode. You can also specify .less files and they will be compiled.


// Default
compile: false 				// Compiles CSS or LESS. Fixes white space and sort order.
compress: false				// Compress your compiled code
noIDs: true					// Doesn't complain about using IDs in your stylesheets
noJSPrefix: true			// Doesn't complain about styling .js- prefixed classnames
noOverqualifying: true		// Doesn't complain about overqualified selectors (ie: div#foo.bar)
noUnderscores: true			// Doesn't complain about using underscores in your class names
noUniversalSelectors: true	// Doesn't complain about using the universal * selector
prefixWhitespace: true		// Adds whitespace prefix to line up vender prefixed properties
strictPropertyOrder: true	// Complains if not strict property order
zeroUnits: true				// Doesn't complain if you add units to values of 0
includePath: mixed			// Additional paths to look for `@import`'ed LESS files.  Accepts a string or an array of strings.


MIT © Sindre Sorhus