
Gulp debug not passing files to program

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I am experiencing a problem, similar to #17.

I have a simple task that copy fonts files from a folder to another.

gulp.task('build-fonts', function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.fonts, { base: './' })

When I use debug mode

gulp.task('build-fonts', function() {
  return gulp.src(paths.fonts, { base: './' })

the files are listed, but not copied, howhever, if i remove debug, the copy works.

My paths.fonts is

fonts: ['styles/**/*.eot','styles/**/*.svg','styles/**/*.ttf','styles/**/*.woff'],

Weirdest, debug works with any other task I have in my task, but not for the fonts...

This plugin just passes the files straight through. The problem is definitely somewhere else. Try asking on Stack Overflow ;)