- 0
Black color on underscores
#66 opened by AaravAtGit - 3
Atom theme
#8 opened by tyrollins - 0
Mutt theme
#57 opened by redbrain17 - 1
Make Hyper look like screenshot on Windows 10
#56 opened by imaandrew - 1
Hyper 3.0.0 visual glitch
#53 opened by Youhar - 0
Theme looks completely different
#52 opened by GiacomoLaw - 1
Installing this on Windows?
#51 opened by GiacomoLaw - 1
Tmux theme
#39 opened by jktzes - 2
- 1
IntelliJ port
#6 opened by CrazyPython - 2
Add gnome terminal script to readme
#48 opened by ar1a - 1
How to override selection color?
#47 opened by alistair-hmh - 9
Request: Vim theme
#13 opened by benoror - 1
cursorColor overlaid on input
#33 opened by JasonBoy - 5
Font opacity too dark on Windows 10
#41 opened by JulienGrv - 1
Font colors became much lighter?
#42 opened by nikackermann - 1
Commands not changing colour?
#36 opened by KingScooty - 2
Font isn't rendered as your.
#35 opened by MarlBurroW - 2
Pink bottom border on tabs in Hyper ~1.4.0
#23 opened by ynnoj - 0
Style issue with hyper@2.0.0 pre-release
#27 opened by dcalhoun - 1
How to install this plugin?
#22 opened by gabrieloshiro - 1
Option to disable unfocused fade?
#19 opened by mnpenner - 2
Add active session styles
#15 opened by vdclouis - 1
Sublime Text 3 Theme
#11 opened by riccardolardi - 6
White text on white background
#12 opened by riccardolardi - 1
add option for vibrancy
#14 opened by vdclouis - 0
Can't see certain colors
#10 opened by reneruiz - 1
Question: Screenshots
#9 opened by charliewilco - 2
Native Mac Install
#5 opened by CrazyPython - 4
iTerm2 version
#2 opened by Fequois - 2
Question: Blocks of colors for screenshot?
#4 opened by BenDiuguid - 1
My prompt does not look like yours.
#1 opened by ziimoo