- 1
Add support for angular constants
#38 opened by kentonbmax - 1
gray line number not visible
#37 opened by Neats29 - 1
Colors on windows are hard to read
#7 opened by ScottWeinstein - 4
Add fullPath option
#34 opened - 1
- 1
- 4
- 1
Comma-first don't works
#30 opened by ivomarsan - 2
- 2
Include changelog?
#29 opened by ahmadalfy - 7
Show failing line
#27 opened by techtonik - 1
2.0.1 Usage Issue?
#26 opened by anthonygreco - 3
Warning icon
#25 opened by linlinlinlin - 1
Documentation needs to be updated on how to use version 2 with `grunt-contrib-jshint`
#24 opened by yorch - 1
Error on generator function in a class
#23 opened by kristianmandrup - 3
V2: Grunt Reporter toString
#22 opened by ianma - 1
- 1
Some artifacts in output log file
#17 opened by bessdsv - 10
Expose colors as options
#10 opened by jednano - 5
How to fail gulp build?
#6 opened by bahmutov - 3
How to show the errorCode?
#14 opened by gartz - 5
Distinguish between warnings and errors
#11 opened by donnielrt - 1
Problem viewing error message on Windows 8.1
#13 opened by ucin - 5
Solarized support?
#8 opened by rwxrob - 7
Displaying "? no problems"
#5 opened by yoshuawuyts - 1
- 0