- arguiot@pr1mer-tech
- beizhedenglongBeijing
- bigint@heyxyz
- bradlc@clerk
- codetheoremINDIA
- codyphobeOregon, USA
- cvgellhornSydney, Australia
- darkyMoscow
- DevessierFreelance
- dhonx@STIKOM-Uyelindo
- erfaniumShiraz
- fly51flyPRIS
- gingerchewsomewhere else
- guilhermehnPagSeguro
- huruji@ByteDance @sysu @HopeStudio
- intrnl@worklifebeyond
- itsalb3rtNTI
- jeetissRostov-on-Don
- kirillgroshkov@NaturalCycles
- km-trTokyo, Japan
- ltaoo
- mathieumg@MaintainX
- mattbisLondon, United Kingdom
- maybewaityouServing for the Bank of China and the Bank of Shanghai.
- ojizero@FoothillSolutions
- PatrickJS@kunai-consulting
- PhanithNY@beniten
- pjebs@OpenSimSim @pepperstone
- richytong
- sabbirshawonSylhet, Bangladesh
- Samuel-Martineau
- samwalshnz@prospa-group
- thanhtoan1196
- tjrgg@Trpkit
- vladimyr
- Whoaa512@teslamotors