- 1
How to read `LC_TIME` with this lib?
#55 opened by maninak - 1
Locale detection for macOS seems broken
#54 opened by fabiospampinato - 0
support Apple Languages
#53 opened by sinkcup - 6
Get error message: Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module while import os-locale
#51 opened by LjjStar - 2
Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from "node:child_process" is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme)
#50 opened by felixhao28 - 1
yarn test causing "Error while loading rule '@typescript-eslint/await-thenable'"
#44 opened by tomsseisums - 0
Security issue
#41 opened by cktang88 - 2
- 6
- 0
Generating invalid locale
#28 opened by Stanzilla - 1
- 1
Release v2.1.1 with mem 4.0.0
#32 opened by Runrioter - 2
- 3
[feature request] return system encoding
#25 opened by tommytroylin - 2
Custom defaultLocale like en instead of en_US?
#23 opened by fritx - 5
- 4
Switch to a Promise interface
#20 opened by albinekb - 3
Bad locale resolution based on POSIX variables
#13 opened by jvdm - 5
- 2
wmic os get locale command failing
#6 opened by bapti - 0
Errors exec-ing locale and defaults
#7 opened by kevinsawicki - 3
add oslocale.sync()
#3 opened by bcoe - 4
Callback not invoked on Windows XP
#5 opened by martinvl - 0