
This is a command line to help Azure Marketplace Publishers test the Webhook API endpoints.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Azure Marketplace Shopping Bag Image

This is a command line to help Azure Marketplace Publishers test the Azure Marketplace Webhook API endpoints. Information about the webhook implementation can be found here.

CLI Screenshot Image

Sample AMP Payload

  "id": "<this is a GUID operation id, you can call operations API with this to get status>",
  "activityId": "<this is a Guid correlation id>",
  "subscriptionId": "<Guid to uniquely identify this resource>",
  "publisherId": "<this is the publisher's name>",
  "offerId": "<this is the offer name>",
  "planId": "<this is the plan id>",
  "quantity": "<the number of seats, will be null if not per-seat saas offer>",
  "timeStamp": "2019-04-15T20:17:31.7350641Z",
  "action": "Unsubscribe",
  "status": "NotStarted"  



Use the following command to install the tool from the Node Package Management Service

# npm install -g ampsaaswebhook


Once installed the following command will start the cli.

# ampsaaswebhook

Tool Development and Testing

I am using the VS Code container development experience. There is .dev container that has the tools and dependencies installed to facilitate development. You can download it here and use the .devcontainer folder to open the container environment.

The test server can be run using the following:

npm run-script server

on a second terminal you can run the following npm cli:

npm start

Tool Publishing to NPM

npm version 1.0.x
npm publish