
All the guides to integrate Branch deep links on iOS and Android apps, how to set up content share, deep linked ads and referral systems. Branch.io helps mobile apps grow with deep links / deeplinks that power referral systems, sharing links and invites with full attribution and analytics.

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These docs have been deprecated.

Please visit dev.branch.io for the most up to date documentation and other learning resources for Branch. {% endhighlight %}

Branch Integration Guides

A collection of all guides for Branch integrations

Mobile Integration Guides

  1. Basic iOS integration guide

    Getting started with Branch for your iOS app

  2. Basic iOS Referral System guide

    How to use Branch to build a referral system in your iOS app

  3. iOS App Content Share with Deeplink guide

    Sharing content and deeplinking directly to that content

  4. Deeplinked Ads (plus iOS integration)

    Deeplinked ads, including the optional iOS configuration

  5. Basic Android integration guide

    Getting started with Branch for your Android app

  6. Basic Android Referral System guide

    How to use Branch to build a referral system in your Android app

Web Integration Guides

  1. Branch Smart Banner guide

    Getting started with the download tracking and deep linking smart banner

API/Dashboard Integration Guides

  1. Webhook configuration guide

    A guide that explains the ins and outs of configuring a web hook


  1. Branch Preferred Partners

    A guide on how to use Branch deep links and install attribution to enhance your developer service product offering

  2. URL creation guide

    How to create links and all their customizations