- 1
When will docker compose be supported?
#76 opened by ShadowInt - 1
Mermaid mindmap
#75 opened by martinib77 - 1
UTF-8 support in the index.
#73 opened by niabh - 2
Antislashed paths
#68 opened by Lcfvs - 3
- 2
- 3
Ordering in [[index]]
#36 opened by atifsyedali - 2
- 2
Feature request: side-by-side preview?
#18 opened by larsw - 1
Update package "marked" for security compliance
#51 opened by WizardPC - 0
Static HTML Last Modified
#49 opened - 1
- 6
Static html export
#2 opened by sinedied - 0
Favicon Improvements
#47 opened - 0
Static HTML Searching
#46 opened - 3
Reduce dependencies
#5 opened by sinedied - 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Opt out of first heading in TOC
#42 opened by dalgard - 2
Project with hads will not `npm install` -- ENOENT: no such file or directory, chmod node_modules/highlight.js/tools/build.js
#41 opened by jgliner - 2
graphviz support :)
#10 opened by mykiimike - 4
PlantUML Support
#35 opened by atifsyedali - 5
Cursor in Editor wrong left margin
#32 opened by setianke - 2
npm audit report a Critical issue
#31 opened by dcuenot - 1
Mermaid upgrade
#29 opened by fabala - 1
Feature: Generate static site
#30 opened by vibrantrida - 0
changelog link in is broken
#27 opened by NotMyself - 0
- 0
Please update css to support mobile devices
#11 opened by ibnishak - 0
support font-awesome
#12 opened by thomasleveil - 0
#1 opened by sinedied - 0
Update css
#6 opened by sinedied - 1
- 1