
This project is able to manage your songs, artists, albums and more by RESTful API. Developed with ASP.NET Core 2.0 & EF Core and used PostgreSQL Database Provider. Implemented Swagger to project.

Primary LanguageC#

MusicDatabase API 🎵

This project is able to manage your songs, artists, albums and more by RESTful API. Developed with ASP.NET Core 2.0 & EF Core and used PostgreSQL Database Provider. Implemented Swagger to project.

Getting Started

First of all, you need to clone the project to your local machine

git clone https://github.com/sinemhasircioglu/MusicDatabase-API.git
cd MusicDatabase-API


A step by step series of building that project

  1. Restore the project 🔨
dotnet restore
  1. Change connection string of Database (File: appsettings.Development.json, Line: 3)

  2. If you want to use change Database Provider to MS SQL, MySQL etc... You can change on Startup.cs File (Line: 33)

    //For Microsoft SQL Server
  1. Run EF Core Migrations
dotnet ef database update
  1. Run the project and Enjoy! 💣
dotnet run


You can try it on this demo link. 🔫

Built With


  • If you want to contribute to codes, create pull request
  • If you find any bugs or error, create an issue


This project is licensed under the MIT License