
This project coding all data structures and algorithms without using library. I developed a hospital software with 3 services.

  1. Service_1: There should be an unlimited number of patient admissions. Depending on the urgency, the patient who comes later should be treated earlier. Patients should be able to be selected or removed from the patient list by name or order. I used Double Linked List.
  2. Service_2: There should be an unlimited number of patient admissions. In this service, the last patient will be treated first. It should work with the First in Last Out (FILO) principle. I used Stack in Double Linked List structure.
  3. Service_3: There should be an unlimited number of patient admissions. In this service, the first patient will be treated first. It should work with the First in First Out (FIFO) principle.I used Queue in Double Linked List structure.