
Elixir Web Framework

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured, fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality

Build Status

Getting started


  • Elixir v0.14.2


  1. Install Phoenix

     git clone https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix.git && cd phoenix && git checkout v0.3.0 && mix do deps.get, compile
  2. Create a new Phoenix application

     mix phoenix.new your_app /path/to/scaffold/your_app

    Important: Run this task in the Phoenix installation directory cloned in the step above. The path provided: /path/to/scaffold/your_app/ should be outside of the framework installation directory. This will either create a new application directory or install the application into an existing directory.


     mix phoenix.new your_app /Users/you/projects/my_app
     mix phoenix.new your_app ../relative_path/my_app
  3. Change directory to /path/to/scaffold/your_app. Install dependencies and start web server

     mix do deps.get, compile
     mix phoenix.start

When running in production, use protocol consolidation for increased performance:

   MIX_ENV=prod mix compile.protocols
   MIX_ENV=prod PORT=4001 elixir -pa _build/prod/consolidated -S mix phoenix.start

Router example

defmodule YourApp.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router

  plug Plug.Static, at: "/static", from: :your_app

  get "/pages/:page", Controllers.Pages, :show, as: :page
  get "/files/*path", Controllers.Files, :show

  resources "users", Controllers.Users do
    resources "comments", Controllers.Comments

  scope path: "admin", alias: Controllers.Admin, helper: "admin" do
    resources "users", Users

Controller examples

defmodule Controllers.Pages do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def show(conn, %{"page" => "admin"}) do
    redirect conn, Router.page_path(page: "unauthorized")
  def show(conn, %{"page" => page}) do
    render conn, "show", title: "Showing page #{page}"


defmodule Controllers.Users do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def show(conn, %{"id" => id}) do
    text conn, "Showing user #{id}"

  def index(conn, _params) do
    html conn, """

Views & Templates

Put simply, Phoenix Views render templates. Views also serve as a presentation layer for their templates where functions, alias, imports, etc are in context.

Rendering from the Controller

defmodule App.Controllers.Pages do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def index(conn, _params) do
    render conn, "index", message: "hello"

By looking at the controller name App.Controllers.Pages, Phoenix will use App.Views.Pages to render lib/app/templates/pages/index.html.eex within the template lib/app/templates/layouts/application.html.eex. Let's break that down:

  • App.Views.Pages is the module that will render the template (more on that later)
  • app is your application name
  • templates is your configured templates directory. See lib/app/views.ex
  • pages is your controller name
  • html is the requested format (more on that later)
  • eex is the default renderer
  • application.html is the layout because application is the default layout name and html is the requested format (more on that later)

Every keyword passed to render in the controller is available as an assign within the template, so you can use <%= @message %> in the eex template that is rendered in the controller example.

You may also create helper functions within your views or layouts. For exemple, the previous controller will use App.Views.Pages so you could have :

defmodule App.Views do
  defmacro __using__(_options) do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.View, templates_root: unquote(Path.join([__DIR__, "templates"]))
      import unquote(__MODULE__)

      # This block is expanded within all views for aliases, imports, etc
      alias App.Views

      def title, do: "Welcome to Phoenix!"

  # Functions defined here are available to all other views/templates

defmodule App.Views.Pages
  use App.Views

  def display(something) do

Which would allow you to use these functions in your template : <%= display(@message) %>, <%= title %>

Note that all views extend App.Views, allowing you to define functions, aliases, imports, etc available in all templates.

To read more about eex templating, see the elixir documentation.

More on request format

The template format to render is chosen based on the following priority:

  • format query string parameter, ie ?format=json
  • The request header accept field, ie "text/html"
  • Fallback to html as default format, therefore rendering *.html.eex

Note that the layout and view templates would be chosen by matching conten types, ie application.[format].eex would be used to render show.[format].eex.

See this file for a list of supported mime types.

More on layouts

The "Layouts" module name is hardcoded. This means that App.Views.Layouts will be used and, by default, will render templates from lib/app/templates/layouts.

The layout template can be changed easily from the controller. For example :

defmodule App.Controllers.Pages do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def index(conn, _params) do
    render conn, "index", message: "hello", layout: "plain"

To render the template's content inside a layout, use the assign <%= @inner %> that will be generated for you.

You may also omit using a template with the following:

render "index", message: "hello", layout: nil


Channels broker websocket connections and integrate with the Topic PubSub layer for message broadcasting. You can think of channels as controllers, with two differences: they are bidirectionnal and the connection stays alive after a reply.

We can implement a channel by creating a module in the channels directory and by using Phoenix.Channels:

defmodule App.Channels.MyChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel

The first thing to do is to implement the join function to authorize sockets on this Channel's topic:

defmodule App.Channels.MyChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel

  def join(socket, "topic", message) do
    {:ok, socket}

  def join(socket, _no, _message) do
    {:error, socket, :unauthorized}


join events are specially treated. When {:ok, socket} is returned from the Channel, the socket is subscribed to the channel and authorized to pubsub on the channel/topic pair. When {:error, socket, reason} is returned, the socket is denied pubsub access.

Note that we must join a topic before you can send and receive events on a channel. This will become clearer when we look at the JavaScript code, hang tight!

A channel will use a socket underneath to send responses and receive events. As said, sockets are bidirectionnal, which mean you can receive events (similar to requests in your controller). You handle events with pattern matching, for example:

defmodule App.Channels.MyChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel

  def event(socket, "user:active", %{user_id: user_id}) do

  def event(socket, "user:idle", %{user_id: user_id}) do


We can send replies directly to a single authorized socket with reply/3

defmodule App.Channels.MyChannel do
  use Phoenix.Channel

  def event(socket, "eventname", message) do
    reply socket, "return_event", "Echo: " <> message


Note that, for added clarity, events should be prefixed by their subject and a colon (i.e. "subject:event"). Instead of reply/3, you may also use broadcast/3. In the previous case, this would publish a message to all clients who previously joined the current socket's topic.

Remember that a client first has to join a topic before it can send events. On the JavaScript side, this is how it would be done (don't forget to include /static/js/phoenix.js) :

var socket = new Phoenix.Socket("ws://" + location.host + "/ws");

socket.join("channel", "topic", callback);

First you create a socket which uses the ws:// protocol and the host from the current location and it appends the route /ws. This route's name is for you to decide in your router :

defmodule App.Router do
  use Phoenix.Router
  use Phoenix.Router.Socket, mount: "/ws"

  channel "channel", App.Channels.MyChannel

This mounts the socket router on /ws and also register the channel from earlier as channel. Let's recap:

  • The mountpoint for the socket in the router (/ws) has to match the route used on the JavaScript side when creating the new socket.
  • The channel name in the router has to match the first parameter on the JavaScript call to socket.join
  • The name of the topic used in def join(socket, "topic", message) function has to match the second parameter on the JavaScript call to socket.join

Now that a channel exists and we have reached it, it's time to do something fun with it! The callback from the previous JavaScript example receives the channel as a parameter and uses that to either subscribe to topics or send events to the server. Here is a quick example of both :

var socket = new Phoenix.Socket("ws://" + location.host + "/ws");

socket.join("channel", "topic", function(channel) {

  channel.on("join", function(message) {
    console.log("joined successfully");

  channel.on("return_event", function(message) {
    console.log("Got " + message + " while listening for event return_event");

  onSomeEvent(function() {
    channel.send("topic:event", {data: "json stuff"});


There are a few other this not covered in this readme that might be worth exploring :

  • Both the client and server side allow for leave events (as opposed to join)
  • In JavaScript, you may manually .trigger() events which can be useful for testing
  • On the server side, string topics are converted into a Topic, which can be subscribed to from any elixir code. No need to use websockets!


Phoenix provides a configuration per environment set by the MIX_ENV environment variable. The default environment Dev will be set if MIX_ENV does not exist.

Configuration file structure:

├── your_app/lib/config/
│   ├── config.ex          Base application configuration
│   ├── dev.ex
│   ├── prod.ex
│   └── test.ex
# your_app/lib/config/config.ex
defmodule YourApp.Config do
  use Phoenix.Config.App

  config :router, port: System.get_env("PORT")
  config :plugs, code_reload: false
  config :logger, level: :error

# your_app/lib/config/dev.ex
defmodule YourApp.Config.Dev do
  use YourApp.Config

  config :router, port: 4000
  config :plugs, code_reload: true
  config :logger, level: :debug

Configuration for SSL

To launch your application with support for SSL, just place your keyfile and certfile in the priv directory and configure your router with the following options:

# your_app/lib/config/prod.ex
defmodule YourApp.Config.Prod do
  use YourApp.Config

  config :router, port: 4040,
                  ssl: true,
                  otp_app: :your_app,
                  keyfile: "ssl/key.pem",
                  certfile: "ssl/cert.pem"

When you include the otp_app option, Plug will search within the priv directory of your application. If you use relative paths for keyfile and certfile and do not include the otp_app option, Plug will throw an error.

You can leave out the otp_app option if you provide absolute paths to the files.


Path.expand("../../../some/path/to/ssl/key.pem", __DIR__)

Configuration for Sessions

Phoenix supports a session cookie store that can be easily configured. Just add the following configuration settings to your application's config module:

# your_app/lib/config/prod.ex
defmodule YourApp.Config.Prod do
  use YourApp.Config

  config :plugs, cookies: true

  config :cookies, key: "_your_app_key", secret: "valid_secret"

Then you can access session data from your application controllers. NOTE: that :key and :secret are required options.


defmodule Controllers.Pages do
  use Phoenix.Controller

  def show(conn, _params) do
    conn = fetch_session(conn) |> put_session(:foo, "bar")
    foo = get_session(conn, :foo)

    text conn, foo

Mix Tasks

mix phoenix                                    # List Phoenix tasks
mix phoenix.new     app_name destination_path  # Creates new Phoenix application
mix phoenix.routes  [MyApp.Router]             # Prints routes
mix phoenix.start   [MyApp.Router]             # Starts worker
mix phoenix --help                             # This help

Static Assets

Static asset support can be added by including Plug.Static in your router. Static assets will be served from the priv/static/ directory of your application.

  plug Plug.Static, at: "/static", from: :your_app


API documentation is available at http://api.phoenixframework.org/


There are no guidelines yet. Do what feels natural. Submit a bug, join a discussion, open a pull request.

Building phoenix.coffee

$ coffee -o priv/static/js -cw priv/src/static/cs

Building documentation

  1. Clone docs repository into ../docs. Relative to your phoenix directory.
  2. Run MIX_ENV=docs mix run release_docs.exs in phoenix directory.
  3. Change directory to ../docs.
  4. Commit and push docs.

Feature Roadmap

  • Robust Routing DSL
    • Named route helpers
    • resource routing for RESTful endpoints
    • Scoped definitions
    • Member/Collection resource routes
  • Configuration
    • Environment based configuration with ExConf
    • ExConf integreation with config.exs
  • Middleware
    • Plug Based Connection handling
    • Code Reloading
    • Enviroment Based logging with log levels
    • Static File serving
  • Controllers
    • html/json/text helpers
    • redirects
    • Plug layer for action hooks
    • Error page handling
    • Error page handling per env
  • Views
    • Precompiled View handling
    • I18n
  • Realtime
    • Websocket multiplexing/channels