
A mini BPM in Rails

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

BPMN Engine

The goal is to design a simple engine in such a way that it can plugged and played for Rails application. Once it's stable enough, it will be ported to another platform.



  • postgres 9.4 or above because it requires jsonb datatype.


Please download http://camunda.org/bpmn/tool/ to create the BPMN model.

Modeler exclusive gateway

If you want to define gateway, in modeler, click on exclusive gateway node and go to Properties > Extensions > add key/value to define your desired flows.

Modeler node service hooks

You can define service hook by add the attribute of Properties > Listeners > Execution Listeners or Task Listeners. Currently, we only support Class method of invoking

Modeler data injection

You can inject data at each node by referring to its ID. See example below:

DB schema migration

To setup, you need to migrate the schema

bundle exec rake process_engine:install:migrations

Core Components

Process Definition

This is the definition of a process residing in ProcessEngine::ProcessDefinition

To get all definitions

pds = ProcessEngine::ProcessDefinition.all

Process Instance

This is the instance of a process definition residing in ProcessEngine::ProcessInstance

To get all process instances

pd = ProcessEngine::ProcessDefinition.last
pds = pd.process_instances

Process Definition Node

This is the node of a process definition residing in ProcessEngine::ProcessDefinitionNode

To get all nodes

pd = ProcessEngine::ProcessDefinition.last
pdns = pd.process_definition_nodes

Process Task

This is the instance of a process instance and process definition node residing in ProcessEngine::ProcessTask. This is the place where we can query tasks of a user/assignee.

Node Data Injection

Each node can have properties to define branching and other metas. For example:

To inject data at branching node, add implementation to app/node_data_injection/.

# file: /app/process_hooks/appointment_hook.rb
class AppointmentHook
  class << self
    # [required] to distinguish the namespace
    def process_definition_slug

    # [required] to tell what to implement
    def implemented_node_ids
      [:process_appointment, :handover_gateway]

    # [required] to forward the implementation
    def forward_implementation_method(node_id, source_object)
      # source_object could be process_instance_object (when it's movable node)
      # source_object could be task_process_object (when it's task node)
      send("implement_#{node_id}", source_object)

    def implement_process_appointment(process_instance_object)
      # { assignee: "random_assignee", candidate_users: ["chea", "lim"], candidate_groups: ["sale", "marketing"] } # return this node option here
      { assignee: "reamream"}

    def implement_handover_gateway(process_instance_object)
      task = process_instance_object.last_process_task_by_state_name("process_appointment")
      value = task.data["handover_gateway_choice"] || ["cancel", "submit"].sample
      { exclusive_gateway_choice_value: value } # return this node option here


To load this class, we need to include in initializer:

# file: /config/initializers/data_injection_loader.rb
ProcessEngine::NodeDataInjection.injected_classes = [AppointmentHook]

For development you can inject this in application.rb

# file: /config/application.rb
#### blah blah
module AppNameHere
  class Application < Rails::Application
    # Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
    # Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers
    # -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded.

    config.to_prepare do
      ProcessEngine::NodeDataInjection.injected_classes = [AppointmentHook]


Service Hook

For each User Task type, you can service hooks for executionListener and taskListener. Hooks are planted in process task for starting and ending of the process task.

listener modeler events supported events modeler types supported types
executionListener start, end start, end class, delegate expression, expression, script class
taskListener create, assignment, complete create, complete class, delegate expression, expression, script class

You can just define in your modeler and implement it anywhere. e.g.

# file at /app/process_engine_hooks/sample_process_task_hook.rb
class SampleProcessTaskHook
  # need to define 'self.execute' so it can be executed
  def self.execute(process_task)
    puts 'this is a service hook'

Process Query

All queries should be done through ProcessEngine::ProcessQuery


The signature is

# available options: :finisher, :verified_state
def task_complete(task_id, options = {})
  # ...
  • finisher: The person who complete this task
  • verified_state: The state of the task to make sure that call the right corresponding task. Silence if not included
  • data: Hash value to save into process task's state


The signature is

# available options: :assignee, :candidate_user, :all_candidate_users, :any_candidate_users, :all_candidate_groups, :any_candidate_groups, :user, :user_or_groups, :status
def task_get_all(options = {})
  # ...
  • assignee: primary assignee
  • candidate_user: single person in candidate users
  • all_candidate_users: all people must be in candidate users
  • any_candidate_users: anyone in candidate users
  • all_candidate_groups: all groups must be in candidate groups
  • any_candidate_groups: any group in candidate groups
  • user: single person who is assignee OR in candidate users
  • user_or_groups: single person who is assignee OR in candidate users OR any group in candidate groups. e.g. options[:user_or_groups] = ['assignee_name', ['group1', 'group2']]
  • status: status of tasks (pending or finished)


The signature is

def task_accessible?(task_id, user, groups = [])
  # ...
  # return boolean

This is to check if a user which has user name as user or belongs to group array groups has access to a task id task_id


The signature is

# available options:
def process_instance_start(process_defintion_slug, creator)
  # ...
  # return instance of ProcessEngine::ProcessInstance

Consumer API

You can easily use ruby ready-api in ProcessEngine::ProcessTask#consumer_task which corresponds to ProcessEngine::Consumer::ConsumerTask. The methods include

  • external_ref: defined in Extensions as external_ref in modeler.

Built-in JSON API

You can include built-in json api helper to make faster standard api usage.

class Api::V2::PeApisController < Api::ApiController
  # to include built-in api method implementation
  include ProcessEngine::Api::Base

  # allowed methods
  include_apis :process_instance, :process_definitions, :process_instance_start, :process_tasks

  # filter for any above method to authenticate/cut cross logic
  before_action :before_action_process_instance , only: [:process_instance]

  # process_instance requires params[:process_instance_id]
  # process_instance_start requires params[:process_definition_id]

  def before_action_process_instance
    render json: { status: "dummy that you need to modify here" }

  # required by process_tasks typed Hash
  # check more options in process query section
  def process_task_options
      user: "user_123"

  # required by process_instance_start typed String
  # check more options in process query section
  def process_instance_start_creator

todo list

  • script/task hook
  • external ref data
  • process_task chaining
  • closing branching besides complex gateway
  • create gem