This project is used as part of a mega-series on my blog. The publish order and dates for the posts are below. Pull requests are welcome!
- Introduction
- The Type System
- Primitive Types, Literals, and Nullables
- Casting, Conversion, and Parsing
- Operators
- Code Blocks, Basic Statements, and Loops
- Methods, Parameters, and Arguments
- Classes and Members
- Structs and Enums
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Interfaces and Abstract Classes
- Namespaces (29 October)
- Exceptions and Exception Handling (2 November)
- Arrays and Collections (5 November)
- LINQ Basics (9 November)
- Generics (12 November)
- Tuples and Anonymous Types (16 November)
- Attributes and Reflection(19 November)
- Expressions, Lambdas, and Delegates (23 November)
- String Manipulation and Cultures (30 November)
- Dates and Times (7 December)