
a tiny ML implementation (functional language)

Primary LanguageF#

This project was developed as final project for the exam in Functional Languages 2021-2022 held by Prof. Alvise Spanò in Univeristy of Padova (Italy).

The TinyML folder contains the implementation of an interpreter for an ML style functional language, written in F# (Visual Studio).
The project is not entirely coded by me, but a skeleton was provided by the professor.

The project can be divided in those main parts:

  • Lexer parses the source code (a long string of text) in tokens.
    Accepted tokens are defined in Lexer.fsl.

  • Parser receives the output of the Lexer as input and produces an abstract syntax tree.
    Valid language expressions are defined in Parser.fsy.
    The actual code for the parser is automatically generated by Yacc.

  • Type checking checks the correctness of program types.
    All the needed types has to be specified by the programmer in the source code as type annotations.

  • Type inference infer program types and also checks for types correctness.

  • Evaluator evaluates the program.