
Check if the specified machine shows up in databases indicating a potential compromise.

Primary LanguagePerl

Dominic at SensePost
GPL v3
Originally published 2005, updated 2011

The script is simple, no arguments and it checks your machines IP, or pass an
IP to see if it is in the database. Example output:

    $ hackcheck.pl
	No IP provided, detected your external IP as
	There are no reports for
    $ hackcheck.pl may be Hacked : It was reported 128527 times.

You can run this regularly to be notified if a machine you administer shows up.
The cron script is very simple. Just drop it into /etc/cron.daily or the like.

    test -f /usr/bin/hackcheck.pl || exit 0


    #Put the IP address of the machine you want checked here

    [ -z "$MAILTO" ] && exit 1

    hackcheck.pl $IP > /dev/null
    if [ "$?" -eq "1" ]; then
            hackcheck.pl $IP| \
            mail -e -s "DShield Hack Warning \
            on $(hostname -f) [$(date +%D)]" $MAILTO

DShield relies on the submissions of people from around the world. Find out how
you can contribute by submitting your logs here.

This is dependant on the HTML structure of the page "http://www.dshield.org/ipinfo.html?ip=" if it changes, the script will break, but is just as easy to fix, so mail me a bug report. Check singe.za.net/dominicwhite for address.