
A support aggregation hub for Intuit hand-on interview

Primary LanguageJava


A support aggregation hub for Intuit hands-on interview.

For Care Agents

Send a simple GET request to /myAggregatedHub where is the deployment endpoint.

For Developers

This project uses AWS cloud infrastructure. For a complete list of resources see Architecture


  • Java 11+
  • Gradle 6.7.1+
  • A Heroku account
  • An AWS account with all the required permissions
  • Heroku CLI
  • Optional: AWS CLI


  1. Create a DynamoDB table named SupportAggregationHubCache
  2. Start a Lambda function for each of the following packages:
    1. cache - Make sure it has permissions to access the DynamoDB table and with environment variables:
      1. CACHE_TTL - The cache time-to-live in ms (e.g. 900000)
      2. AGGREGATION_INTERVAL - The allowed timed between aggregations in ms (e.g. 1800000)
    2. crm_connector
    3. sterilizer - with environment variables:
      1. SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS - The supported products separated by a comma (,) (e.g. RED,GREEN,BLUE)
    4. filter
    5. mapper
    6. reducer
optional: Update the function names in the config script (e.g. CACHE_LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME="<CACHE_FUNCTION_NAME>")
  1. Create a Step Function using the definition at the step-function.json file Make sure to replace the relevant lambda ARNs (e.g. "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:<REGION_NAME>:<ACCOUNT_NAME>:function:<FUNCTION_NAME>")
  2. Create a CloudWatch event to call the Step Function from the previous step with the desired interval (e.g. 4 hours)
  3. Create an API Gateway with a resource named myAggregatedHub and a GET method. Point the method to invoke the main function. Make sure to pass an AWS Proxy Event.
  4. Set the following main environment variables:
    1. SUPPORT_AGGREGATION_HUB_AWS_PROFILE - The AWS profile with permission nto read the DynamoDB.
    2. SUPPORT_AGGREGATION_HUB_AWS_REGION - The AWS region in which DynamoDB is set.


For Main

  1. Run ./gradlew stage
  2. Run heroku login
  3. Run heroku create
  4. Run git push heroku master

For other packages:

  1. Run ./gradlew <FUNCTION_NAME>Zip (e.g. ./gradlew mainZip). Note that mainZip is available in the main module and all other scripts are available at the data module.
  2. Upload the created .zip file available at <PATH_TO_MODULE>/build/distributions/<FUNCTION_NAME>-1.0.SNAPSHOT.zip to the corresponding Lambda function.
optional: For all packages: If you updated the config script in step 2 of the deployment you can use the "deploy" helper script for both steps with: ./deploy update <FUNCTION_NAME_1> <FUNCTION_NAME_2>... (e.g. ./deploy update main cache)


  • Cache time-to-live: Change the CACHE_TTL environment variable in the cache Lambda function. (e.g. 900000)
  • Data updates interval: Change the interval at the CloudWatch event. (e.g. 4 hours)
  • Interval between aggregations: Change the AGGREGATION_INTERVAL environment variable in the cache Lambda function. (e.g. 1800000)
  • Maximum requests concurrency: Change the "MaxConcurrency" value of the "Mapper" state in the Step Function. 0 means no limit. (e.g. "MaxConcurrency": 0)

Future Development

  • For splitting products duplicate the sterilizer function and set the SUPPORTED_PRODUCTS environment variable to the desired products. (e.g. "RED,GREEN" and "BLUE")
  • To limit their aggregation intervals duplicate the cache function and set the AGGREGATION_INTERVAL environment variable to the desired value. (e.g. 1800000 and 7200000)
  • To limit their maximum concurrency duplicate the Step Function and set the "MaxConcurrency" value of the "Mapper" state to the desired value. (e.g. 10 and 20)
  • For a refresh button, add a button to the HTML and trigger the Step Function.


  • Since a Lambda function is limited to 15 minutes runtime, all operations, including fetching a page of data, should take less than 15 minutes. This assumption seems reasonable especially when considering the default 15 minutes cache time-to-live.
  • If a scheduled update is called a short time after an on-demand aggregation the data will not be updated again. This may result in data being up to aggregationInterval + updateInterval old (4.5 hours by default).


The following list covers the system services and their function:

  • Main - Requests data from the backend and displays the results with a simple HTML.
  • Cache - Retrieves data from the cache and returns if data is fresh. If not, it calls the aggregation.
  • CRM Connector - Connects to a provided CRM and fetches data. If possible, support pagination.
  • Sterilizer - Get a raw data from the CRM and removes irrelevant data, e.g. removes unsupported products.
  • Filter - Filters the sterilized data by a given parameter and operation. (Not implemented yet)
  • Mapper - Converts the filtered data to a format that allows aggregation.
  • Reducer - Aggregates the mapped or partially aggregated data.

DynamoDB is used for caching data.

CloudWatch events are used for scheduling.

Resources list

A list of required AWS resources: