
This is a tag prediction software which implements multiple ML algorithms using Bag of Words and TF-IDF to train data. This Code is compatible with Python 2.7


pip install sklearn pip install scipy pip install pandas pip install numpy pip install nltk pip install BeautifulSoup4 pip install python-matplotlib Got to your python prompt and run nltk.download()

Modify nltk’s tokenize file treebank.py to remove ‘#’ and add ‘=’ to the regex of delimiters. In line 60:

PUNCTUATION = [ (re.compile(r'([:,])([^\d])'), r' \1 \2'), (re.compile(r'([:,])$'), r' \1 '), (re.compile(r'...'), r' ... '), (re.compile(r'[;@=$%&]'), r' \g<0> '), (re.compile(r'([^\.])(.)([])}>"'])\s$'), r'\1 \2\3 '), (re.compile(r'[?!]'), r' \g<0> '),

   (re.compile(r"([^'])' "), r"\1 ' "),


#Run run ./tagPrediction.sh