Develop a command line interface to the Open Weather Map API.
Implement solutions in Bash, Python, Perl, and Go.
Requirements are:
Get the API key from apikey.txt, located in the directory above the script. The file contains one line with just the key.
Process each command line argument as a location. It can be a ZIP code, City, or "City,ST" format. If no arguments are passed, exit silently without error. The command should like like:
./weather 90245
Make a request to using the location as a query and imperial units (so degrees are in Farenheit). The request will look like:
Capture the JSON response. The response will look like:
{"coord":{"lon":-118.42,"lat":33.92},"weather":[{"id":701,"main":"Mist","description":"mist","icon":"50n"},{"id":721,"main":"Haze","description":"haze","icon":"50n"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":61.65,"pressure":1019,"humidity":100,"temp_min":55.4,"temp_max":71.6},"visibility":11265,"wind":{"speed":5.82,"deg":240},"clouds":{"all":75},"dt":1489557720,"sys":{"type":1,"id":413,"message":0.0116,"country":"US","sunrise":1489586595,"sunset":1489629717},"id":5345860,"name":"El Segundo","cod":200}
From the response, print the name of the location, the current temperature, and the main weather, seperated by commas. The name of the location and the main weather should be enclosed in quotes. The output will look like:
"El Segundo", 61.65, "Mist"