
Directory for event ideas and proposals for developer communities, placing DSC KGEC in focus.

Developer Community Events

Directory for event ideas and proposals for developer communities, placing DSC KGEC in focus.

1.1 Events by the community

Events hosted, can either be domain specific of a mix of multiple domains.

├── Developer Summit            Panel Discussions / Workshops
├── Developer Tech Fest         Technical Competitions
├── Dev Expo                    Project Exhibition       
├── Hackdays                    Intensive Hackathons                  
├── Open Sourcing Season        Open Source Software Development 
├── Speaker Sessions            Domain specific conferences
├── Mini Projects               
├── Community Projects

Dev Summit | Tech Fest | Dev Expo | HackDays | Open Source | Speaker Sessions | Projects

1.1.1 Developer Summit

Dev Summit includes panel discussions, workshops, lectures etc mainly focused on the understanding of the changes that technology is bringing to the world, along with its future aspects as well as insights of some emerging technologies. The motive of dev summit, ideally, is to present the real picture of various technologies in the world.

2 days


  • Code Name: Dev Otsav
  • Prospects: Inviting our professors, alumni or seniors who have been into various fields of technology, to come up for panel discussions on topics like "How AI will change the world", "Exploring the future of Augmented Reality" etc. Of course, the team needs to discuss and pitch up everything.
  • Suggested Date: Just before Diwali Holidays (Deepotsav) | Odd Semester

1.1.2 Developer Tech Fest

Developer Tech Fest - the festival of events, hosting multiple competitions like Coding marathons, Tech Quiz, Robo Wars, hackathons on AI-Web-App-IoT, Capture-The-Flag or even a mini treasure hunt version of Cicada 3301

2 days


  • Code Name: Dev Mela
  • Prospects: We can collaborate with Robotics Society and KeyGen Group to host events together. Most of the events are virtual so even if Espektro didn't happen due to COVID, we should still hosts these events on a virtual basis.
  • Suggested Date: Even Semester

1.1.3 Dev Expo

Developer Expo is another technical event where students are provided with a platform to showcase and demonstrate their projects, innovativeness and creativity. Projects from distinctive domains like Game Dev, AR-VR-MR, Internet of Things apart from app, web and AI will help inculcating interests in these domains among students.

2 days


  • Code Name: Dev Expo / Project Expo
  • Prospects: This can again be a collaborative event with other college groups. Students who are towards research can also be invited to this event. When it comes to inspiring students to get into development, this event is one of the most effective ones.
  • Suggested Date: Beginning of Odd Semester

1.1.4 Hackdays

Hackdays are 1 or 2 days long Hackathons. Hackathons can be of many types - algorithmic challenges, machine learning challenges or a mini version of Google Solution Challenge where students are provided with a platform to solve a pressing problem we face in our daily lives. Hackathons can be conducted more frequently than the other events and it would also help participants perform better in bigger hackathons like SIH and Solution Challenge.

1 or 2 day long


  • Code Name: Dev Ex
  • Prospects: We can have a special 'Developer Week' of hackathons designed this way:
    • Monday-Tuesday: Problem Solving (DS Algo, CP)
    • Tuesday-Wednesday: Machine Learning Challenge
    • Wednesday-Thursday: Software Challenge
    • Thursday-Friday: Hardware Challenge (IoT, Electronics, Robotics)
    • Friday-Saturday: Ethical Hacking
    • Sunday: Announcements and Prize Distribution
  • Suggested Date: Around Christmas

1.1.5 Open Sourcing Season

The college-level edition of Google Summer of Code, focused on inspiring more student developers into open source software development.

2+ months


  • Code Name: KGEC Summer of Code or KSoC
  • Prospects: DSC KGEC should host atleast 6-7 projects from various domains, from our partner clubs and seniors wherein, there must be multiple issues (feature requests, bugs etc) of various levels of difficulties for the participants to solve and contribute to. We shouldn't have any rewards or leaderboards as it promotes bad open source behaviour.
  • Suggested Date: May - June

1.1.6 Speaker Sessions

Speaker Sessions of Info Sessions are events where speakers are invited to share knowledge about some particular field or topic, featuring informative talks and Q&A sessions.

1-2 hours


  • Code Name: Info Session
  • Prospects: We have had a lot of info sessions in our past session, having at least 1 session per 15 days. I'd suggest that we should move our focus more towards project related activities this year and have speaker sessions before starting any projects or events. This way, members will be able to learn as well as implement the learning when they participate in building the project. This system will also encourage more students to participate and try out the topic which we had the session on.
  • Suggested Date: Before any project or activity. Say we are going to host a community project that'll use Firebase. So it'd be ideal to have a speaker session on Firebase right before we start off with the project.

1.1.7 Mini Projects

Mini Projects are more inclined to learning short topics. Mini projects can be assigned as tasks, eg: Building a Jekyll based portfolio, or they can be organized after any info sessions.

Less than 10 hours.


  • Code Name: --
  • Prospects: Initially, we should organize mini projects for the core team members, so as to improve the bonding and team work.
  • Suggested Date: 1 mini project per month

1.1.8 Community Projects

Community Projects are large scaled project built to inspire the community and encourage students to learn new technologies in a low-risk, hands-on environment. The aim of community projects is not just to bring value to the community but also to build something valuable and helpful for others.

~variable. Ideal duration is 21 days.


  • Code Name: --
  • Prospects: We should create and maintain a repository of project ideas. We can also include projects that are built in a jiffy in hackathons and extend them to community projects. Since we have 5 teams for different domains of tech, a project from each domain will be ideal for a session!
  • Suggested Date: Mid session

1.2 DSC Specific Events

There are some events that are hosted by Google itself and conducted through DSCs

  1. Android Study Jams
  2. 30 Days of Google Cloud
  3. 30 Days of Flutter
  4. Google Solution Challenge

1.3 Contribution

Feel free to add your personal suggestions or ideas to any of the sections