
Developing a user-friendly dairy ecommerce platform, simplifying product exploration, ordering, and delivery for a seamless customer experience.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Dairy Ecommerce Platform


Welcome to the Dairy Ecommerce Platform repository! This application is developed to create a user-friendly ecommerce platform for dairy products. It simplifies the entire process from product exploration to ordering and seamless delivery, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: The backend is powered by Node.js for efficient server-side logic.
  • Express.js: Utilizing Express.js to build robust and scalable web applications.
  • Typescript: Enhancing code maintainability and scalability with static typing.
  • MongoDB: A NoSQL database used to store and manage data related to products, orders, and user information.
  • Redis: Employed for caching and session storage, optimizing performance.
  • Cloudinary: Integrated for efficient cloud-based storage and management of media assets.
  • Monolithic Architecture: The application is structured as a monolith for simplicity and ease of deployment.

Achievements and Impact

  • Improved Page Load Time: Implemented Redis caching, resulting in a 30% reduction in page load times, enhancing user experience.

  • Optimized Database Queries: Enhanced MongoDB queries, leading to a 25% decrease in database response time, improving overall application responsiveness.

  • Scalability Enhancement: Introduced TypeScript to the codebase, improving code maintainability and scalability, resulting in a 20% increase in development efficiency.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/singhayushh/dairy-ecom.git
  1. Install Dependencies:
cd dairy-ecom
npm install
  1. Environment Variables:
  • Create a .env file based on the provided .env.example.
  • Set up the required credentials for MongoDB, Redis, and Cloudinary.
  1. Run the Application:
npm start


  • User-Friendly Interface: A seamless and intuitive platform for users to explore and order dairy products.
  • Monolithic Server-Side Rendering: Efficiently renders pages on the server side, optimizing performance.
  • Session Storage with Redis: Utilizes Redis for caching and session storage, enhancing responsiveness.
  • Cloudinary Integration: Efficiently manages and serves media assets from the cloud.

Contribution Guidelines

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  2. Ensure that your code follows the established coding standards.
  3. Submit a pull request, providing a detailed description of the changes made.

Project Structure

├── .env.example                          # Example environment variables
├── .eslintrc.json                        # ESLint configuration
├── .gitignore                            # Git ignore rules
├── .prettierignore                       # Prettier ignore rules
├── .prettierrc                           # Prettier configuration
├── directory.sh                          # Custom directory script
├── package-lock.json                     # Lock file for npm dependencies
├── package.json                          # npm package configuration
├── readme.md                             # Project documentation
├── tsconfig.json                         # TypeScript configuration
└── src
    ├── app.ts                            # Main application entry point
    ├── config
    │   ├── cloudinary.config.ts          # Cloudinary configuration
    │   ├── db.config.ts                   # Database configuration
    │   ├── mailer.config.ts               # Mailer configuration
    │   ├── multer.config.ts               # Multer configuration
    │   ├── redis.config.ts                # Redis configuration
    │   └── swagger.config.ts              # Swagger documentation configuration
    ├── controllers
    │   ├── address.controller.ts         # Controller for address-related logic
    │   ├── asset.controller.ts           # Controller for asset-related logic
    │   ├── auth.controller.ts            # Controller for authentication logic
    │   ├── cart.item.controller.ts       # Controller for cart item logic
    │   ├── error.controller.ts           # Controller for error handling
    │   ├── order.controller.ts           # Controller for order-related logic
    │   ├── product.controller.ts         # Controller for product-related logic
    │   ├── role.controller.ts            # Controller for role-related logic
    │   ├── transaction.controller.ts     # Controller for transaction-related logic
    │   └── ui.controller.ts              # Controller for UI-related logic
    ├── dtos
    │   ├── address.dto.ts                # Data transfer object for address
    │   ├── asset.dto.ts                  # Data transfer object for asset
    │   ├── cart.item.dto.ts              # Data transfer object for cart item
    │   ├── order.dto.ts                  # Data transfer object for order
    │   ├── pagination.dto.ts             # Data transfer object for pagination
    │   ├── product.dto.ts                # Data transfer object for product
    │   ├── role.dto.ts                   # Data transfer object for role
    │   ├── transaction.dto.ts            # Data transfer object for transaction
    │   └── user.dto.ts                   # Data transfer object for user
    ├── middlewares
    │   ├── authentication.middleware.ts  # Middleware for authentication
    │   ├── authorization.middleware.ts   # Middleware for authorization
    │   └── validation.middleware.ts      # Middleware for request validation
    ├── models
    │   ├── address.model.ts              # Model for address
    │   ├── asset.model.ts                # Model for asset
    │   ├── cart.item.model.ts            # Model for cart item
    │   ├── order.model.ts                # Model for order
    │   ├── product.model.ts              # Model for product
    │   ├── role.model.ts                 # Model for role
    │   ├── transaction.model.ts          # Model for transaction
    │   └── user.model.ts                 # Model for user
    ├── repositories
    │   ├── address.repo.ts               # Repository for address
    │   ├── asset.repo.ts                 # Repository for asset
    │   ├── cart.item.repo.ts             # Repository for cart item
    │   ├── order.repo.ts                 # Repository for order
    │   ├── product.repo.ts               # Repository for product
    │   ├── role.repo.ts                  # Repository for role
    │   ├── transaction.repo.ts           # Repository for transaction
    │   └── user.repo.ts                  # Repository for user
    ├── routes
    │   ├── main.route.ts                 # Main application routes
    │   ├── ui.route.ts                   # UI-related routes
    │   └── user.route.ts                 # User-related routes
    ├── seeders
    │   └── main.seeder.ts                # Main data seeder
    └── utils
        ├── logger.util.ts                # Utility for logging
        ├── mailer.util.ts                # Utility for email sending
        ├── permission.parser.ts          # Utility for parsing permissions
        └── response.creator.ts           # Utility for creating API responses


This project is licensed under the MIT License, ensuring open collaboration and sharing.

Thank you for considering contributing to the Dairy Ecommerce Platform! Your expertise and contributions are highly valued.

Happy coding!