
Using open-source Llama2 as an alternate to OpenAI

Primary LanguagePython

Using Llama2 as an alternate to ChatGPT for question answering over a file

Meta released open source Llama2 as an LLM model, this repository attempts to utilize it for question answering over a pdf/word/CSV file instead of using ChatGPT API

There are two files- download_version.py and using_llama.py

  • In the former a quantized Llama2 model is downloaded and implemented using CTransformer and LangChain
  • In the later Llama2 model from Meta repository and implemented as HuggingFaceLLM using Llama_index framework


  1. Upload document
  2. Create embeddings
  3. Store in vector store (FAISS/ SimpleDirectoryReader)
  4. User query
  5. Create embeddings
  6. Fetch documents
  7. Send this to Llama


  1. Langchain (designing prompts, history retention, and chains)
  2. llama_index (for HuggingFace implementation)
  3. FAISS (vector store)
  4. Transformer for embeddings (HuggingFace Sentence Transformer)
  5. Llama2 (serves as LLM)
  6. Gradio (UI)


pip install -r requirements.txt

For using a downloaded llama2 quantized model (downloaded_version.py):

  1. Download a Llama2 model from- https://huggingface.co/TheBloke/Llama-2-7B-Chat-GGML/tree/main
  2. update model code in line 29: self.llama_model = "<'downloaded_model_name'>"
  3. python3 download_version.py
  4. Upload a .pdf/.csv/.docx file and type in your question on the Gradio UI

Note: there are many available models, you can choose any as per the model card

For using Llama as HuggingFaceLLm (using_llama.py):

  1. get access to meta-llama
  2. create a HuggingFace access token to access the repo
  3. shortlist any llama2 model offered, and update line 28: self.model_name = "<'llama2_model_name'>"
  4. export HF_KEY = <'huggingface_access_token'>
  5. python3 using_llama.py
  6. Upload a .pdf/.csv/.docx file and type in your question on the Gradio UI

Note: currently implemented model, Llama-2-7b-chat-hf

A word of caution: this implementation consumes time and is memory expensive

Sample UI