
An example repository consisting of 2 Microservices whose interfaces are tested with the PACT framework.


There are 2 microservices interacting with each other. The pact-consumer-demo service offers following REST endpoints:

  • /products/{id} : retrieves information about a product, identified by its id.

The pact-provider-demo offers the following REST-endpoint:

  • /productDetails/{id} : delivers the product details for the product identified by its id

When the /products/{id} endpoint is called pact-consumer-demo fetches the product details from the pact-provider-demo by calling the /productDetails/{id} endpoint.


A docker-compose.yml is provided containing the required infrastructure services, i.e. a pact-broker, that manages the contracts and a mongo db acting as storage for the 2 microservices.


After running teh consumer tests, a pact is generated, located under root with path /target/pacts. This pact can be posted at the pact broker:

POST http://{pact broker host}/pacts/provider/{provider name}/consumer/{consumer name}/version/{version}

Please note that the consumer and provider names, provided in the path must match exactly the names within the posted pact json.