
Automatically announce and send emails to list of subscribers on every product release 🚀

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Announcerr Github Action

Automatically announce and send emails to list of subscribers on every product release 🚀

Demo Project


- name: Announcerr
  uses: singhkshitij/announcerr@v2
    server_address: smtp.gmail.com
    server_port: 465
    username: ${{secrets.MAIL_USERNAME}}
    password: ${{secrets.MAIL_PASSWORD}}
    subject: Launching my awesomeProduct version ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}
    # Literal body:
    body: Just launched new version of my ${{github.repository}} ! It is fully packed with awesome features.
    # Read file contents as body:
    body: file://README.md
    to: user1@xyz.com,user2@abc.com
    from: Kshitij Singh # <kshitij@mytrashcode.com>
    # Optional content type (defaults to text/plain):
    content_type: text/html
    # Optional attachments:
    attachments: attachments.zip,git.diff,./dist/static/main.js

Caution: Some email server provider such as Gmail do not allow password directly to be used in such apps and might block send message operation, if we try to give plain password directly.

Please follow this guide to generate app password which can then be used to authenticate Gmail account and send mails.