
Slack Notification Integration for Facebook Messages

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Slack-Facebook Integration Project


<!https://www.loom.com/ share/93342a285e884831bc82cff51af22bd9(test)!>

Project Objective

This project integrates Slack and Facebook, enabling automatic messaging in a Slack channel whenever a new message is received on a Facebook page. The integration is built using TypeScript, Express.js, and Slack's Web API.


  • Facebook Integration: Listens for new messages on a Facebook page.
  • Slack Integration: Automatically posts these messages to a specified Slack channel.
  • Secure Communication: Ensures secure interaction between Facebook and Slack via a verification process.

Project Setup


Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (version 16.x or later)
  • npm (globally installed)

1. Clone the Repository

git clone git@github.com:singkunal2050/facebookslacknotifier.git

2. Install Dependencies

npm install

3. Create Environment Configuration

Create a src/configs.ts file with the following content:

const configs = {
  token: "your-slack-bot-token",
  channelId: "your-slack-channel-id",
  verifyToken: "your-facebook-verify-token",

export default configs;

Replace 'your-slack-bot-token', 'your-slack-channel-id', and 'your-facebook-verify-token' with your actual values.

  • ** Note: Use Environment Variables for these Sensitive Information **

4. Start the Development Server

npm run dev

This will start the server using nodemon.

5. Deploy the Application

npm run serve

This will serve the application using node.

Project Structure

Additional Details

  • OAuth Scopes Required:

    • channels:join
    • channels:read
    • chat:write
  • Webhook Verification: This project uses Facebook's webhook verification process. Ensure that your Facebook app's webhook is set up correctly to receive updates.

  • Troubleshooting: If you encounter issues, ensure all environment variables are correctly set and that the Slack bot is invited to the correct channel.

  • Logging: The project uses the winston library for logging. The log file is located at /app.log.