Git Workshop Task: Update Attendee List


This task is designed to help you practice basic Git commands by adding your name to an attendee list on an HTML page, creating a new branch, and then raising a pull request to merge this branch into the main branch.



  1. Fork this repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
    git clone
  3. Navigate into the cloned directory:
    cd demo-workshop-may-24


  1. Create a new branch for your changes:
    git checkout -b add-my-name-<YOURNAME>
  2. Open the index.html file located in the root directory.
  3. Find the <ul> tag for attendees.
  4. Add a new <li> element with your name:
    <li>Your Name</li>
  5. Save your changes.

Committing Changes

  1. Add your changes to the staging area:
    git add index.html
  2. Commit your changes with a descriptive message:
    git commit -m "Add <Your-Name> to attendee list"

Pushing Changes

  1. Push your changes to the new branch on your fork:
    git push origin add-my-name-<YOURNAME>

Raising a Pull Request

  1. Go to your fork on GitHub.
  2. You'll see a prompt to "Compare & pull request" for your newly pushed branch. Click it.
  3. Ensure the base repository is set to the original repository and the base branch to main.
  4. Confirm your changes and then click 'Create Pull Request'.
