
Project Name: Rate my Uni
Project Member

Name Student Number Email Role
Harjot Sahota 7598815 hsaho020@uottawa.ca QA Manager
Fengwei Zhang 7863948 jzhan264@uottawa.ca Project Manager
Princejeet Singh Sandhu 7736952 psand057@uottawa.ca Business Analyst
Ray Liu 7946734 rliu040@uottawa.ca Architect

Supervisor: Peng Liu (pengliu12@gmail.com). He is a good software engineer. He has the experience and knowledge that we can use to make this project a good product.

What is this project?

A platform for students to rate universities based on how their experience. They can rate Unis and the services they offered and also comment on them. This rating will be per faculty which will actually differentiate it from RateMyProf’s platform for rating universities.

Why this project?

Presently Universities are only differentiated by rankings which are based mostly on quality of research and not on quality of teaching or student life. RateMyProf’s university rating system is not faculty specific. A uni can be bad or good overall but a particular faculty might be different so faculty specific is important.

Actors and use cases page

There will be two kinds of actors:

  • Students looking for Universities (Searchers)
  • Students rating Universities (Raters)


They are looking for universities to apply to. They will search a university. Look up its ratings and read the comments.


They go to a university and they are writing reviews for a university. They will tell about their experience at the university and rate it.

Architecture page

It will be a client server interaction system. It will be a thin client system.

Client will communicate with the server through an API. Client will be used to get user input and display the output to the user.

Server will store data related to universities in database. Perform analysis on data in the database. Response to the queries made by the client.

Development environment page


  • ReactJS


  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB

Risk management page

Project plan page