This repository is for reference while making your game
$ git clone
$ cd teknack-reference-game
$ npm install
$ node app.js
Then go to http://localhost:3000
Make sure you follow the following points while coding the backend of your game
This reference game follows the points given here
Initialize your node project
$ npm init
Install modules using the following command
It will install the module and add it as a dependency of your project to the project's package.json as an entry in dependencies
$ npm install express --save
Install modules present in the package.json file
$ npm install
Create a .gitignore file so that node_modules folder is not pushed to your git repository
You can use the .gitignore file present in this repository
Your game should take the username from the session cookies.
Refer app.js file
Copy the session code present in app.js file
The code takes the username if the session is not set and sets the session
After that, username should be accessed using req.sess.username variable or using socket.request.sess.username inside sockets
Do not change the value of req.sess.username anywhere in your code
The code is required to integrate the game on the teknack servers
Use http://localhost:3000/unsetSession to unset session and reset username
The code requires express, client-sessions and body-parser module, so install it using npm