List of Experiments

  1. To get the input from user and perform numerical operations (MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, SQRT, ROUND) using in R.
  2. To perform data import/export (.CSV, .XLS, .TXT) operations using data frames in R.
  3. To get the input matrix from user and perform Matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, inverse transpose and division operations using vector concept in R.
  4. To perform statistical operations (Mean, Median, Mode and Standard deviation) using R.
  5. To perform data pre-processing operations i) Handling Missing data ii) Min-Max normalization
  6. To perform dimensionality reduction operation using PCA for Houses Data Set
  7. To perform Simple Linear Regression with R.
  8. To perform K-Means clustering operation and visualize for iris data set
  9. Write R script to diagnose any disease using KNN classification and plot the results.
  10. To perform market basket analysis using Association Rules (Apriori).