List of Experiments
- To get the input from user and perform numerical operations (MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, SQRT, ROUND) using in R.
- To perform data import/export (.CSV, .XLS, .TXT) operations using data frames in R.
- To get the input matrix from user and perform Matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, inverse transpose and division operations using vector concept in R.
- To perform statistical operations (Mean, Median, Mode and Standard deviation) using R.
- To perform data pre-processing operations i) Handling Missing data ii) Min-Max normalization
- To perform dimensionality reduction operation using PCA for Houses Data Set
- To perform Simple Linear Regression with R.
- To perform K-Means clustering operation and visualize for iris data set
- Write R script to diagnose any disease using KNN classification and plot the results.
- To perform market basket analysis using Association Rules (Apriori).