Portfolio Website

This repository contains the code for my personal portfolio website, which can be accessed at https://singhtanmay6735.github.io/Portfolio/#.

Introduction My portfolio website showcases my work, skills, and experiences as a researcher. The website has been designed to be user-friendly, and easy to navigate.

Technologies Used The website has been built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

The website consists of the following pages:

About me: This page contains a brief introduction about me and my skills. Education: This page provides more details about my education. Projects: This page showcases some of the projects I have worked on, along with a brief description and a link to the project repository. Contact: This page provides a form for visitors to get in touch with me.

Running the Website Locally To run the website locally, clone this repository and open the index.html file in your browser.

git clone https://github.com/singhtanmay6735/Portfolio.git
cd Portfolio
open index.html